Na­tion­al Journ­al de­liv­ers its premi­um e-newsletter brief­ings to Wash­ing­ton in­flu­en­tials in­clud­ing the Senate, House offices, the White House, fed­er­al agen­cies, think tanks and lob­by­ing firms.

  • NJ Daily: An insider’s preview of the day ahead sent to more than 10,000 professionals on and off Capitol Hill.
  • Hotline’s Wake Up Call and Latest Edition: The most pressing and recent political updates sent daily to more than 15,000 political junkies and followers.
  • Presentation Center: Visual issue analysis and policy insights delivered to more than 11,000 users daily as editable slides.
  • Hotline's Poll Track: A curated look at the most interesting findings from the week's opinion polls.
  • Sunday Nightcap: A weekly check-in on the week that was and the week to come in politics and policy with National Journal's Editor in Chief, Jeff Dufour.

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